A Fresh, New Website

My goal for this fresh, new website is to make it clear that Reworks Upcycle Shop is not just an ordinary online store. My business is integrated into a way of life, an eco lifestyle. In everything that I do I consider my impact on the planet. What I eat, how I get around, the clothes I wear, the home I maintain, the plants I grow, the partnerships that I foster and the products I carry in my shop are all part of a larger vision. It's a vision to transform my family's farm into an off-grid, 100% self-sufficient eco retreat. This is a small business that will be complete with food production, water conservation, comfortable accommodations, renewable power generation, artist gift shop and continuous learning opportunities that foster community. This website is an attempt to share the knowledge that I have learned, continue to learn, as well as make a comfortable living at.
On my new website you'll be able to shop for eco-friendly products for your home and living, book a glamping getaway at our eco retreat, read my latest "Sustainable Living" blog, sign up for my newsletter, create a gift-registry for your wedding or commission art. Online shopping is now easy for my US customers too. I have finally worked out all the shipping bugs. Every thing is at your fingers tips from the comfort of your sofa. The new website design is simple, easy to navigate and fun to explore.
Some of the key new features on my website include a branding update and more integration with my parent company Bear Spring Eco Retreat.
Simplified drop down menus make products easier to find and manage.👇
Gift cards are available again and easy to purchase online with all the regular options including apple pay.👇
And finally, the feature I'm most excited about is the Gift Registry. This will be a really great feature to have this summer once our event centre is complete and we're ready to host weddings at out retreat. The gift registry is a great resource for eco-friendly gift giving and will also be a handy feature for anniversaries, retirement parties and more. Find the Registry sign up at the bottom of my home page under Customer Service.👇
When I first opened Reworks in 2011, I spend a lot of time searching all over the planet for innovative recycled and eco-friendly products. Back then, about 75% of my product was sourced from outside of Canada. Today, close to 100% of my products are made right here in Canada by small businesses. Products that are not made here, must either be designed in Canada, made of recycled materials or make a net positive contribution to the environment. I don't support any makers that aren't already making an effort to be sustainable. I know the personal names of my vendors and many have become friends. And, I can tell you the story of every product that I carry. I can tell you who made it, what it's made from, where it was made, how it was made, even why I love it. Because, I only carry products that I love.
I'll admit that I am one of the 10 million Li Ziqi fans. I discovered her YouTube videos a few years ago when I was initially hammering out a plan for our retreat. Her calming productions about living rurally and self-sufficiently are a source of inspiration. I find myself identifying with her work more and more now that I've actually taken the leap from big city life to settle back on my family's farm. Although it is busy and there is always work to do, the labour is never boring and one starts to build a sense of pride as the jobs get done. As an artist, the farm feels like a giant art project or canvas. I was already doing this to some extent with Reworks. But, the retreat now encompasses almost every aspect of my life. While I build Bear Spring and transform my gift shop I will be sharing my experiences as I complete each new project as does Li Ziqi.
Some of the projects I already have planned for this year include completing building a washroom with flushing toilets for our guests, helping a Young Agrarian build a commercial food production business on a section of our farm, and continue perennial plantings in our food forest. In addition to this, I will finish laying a cedar cookie floor in our barn, create more art, build literal flower beds at our retreat, build a communal fire pit area, build a pergola on the lawn at our event centre and try making tree stump furniture. Watch for posts about these projects and more throughout 2022.
I hope the information and products you find here inspire you to live your best eco-friendly lifestyle.
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